10 Reasons Other Open Source Projects Are Not Your Enemy
This post has been a long time coming … like almost everything on my blog these days 🙂 It’s a rant of sorts and a little over the top, but it sums up what I’ve been thinking for a while.…
In this section you can read Alledia blog posts ranting about different issues.
This post has been a long time coming … like almost everything on my blog these days 🙂 It’s a rant of sorts and a little over the top, but it sums up what I’ve been thinking for a while.…
We’ve covered Siteground twice before on this blog. The first time I talked with grudging admiration about how they manage to dominate hosting search results by creating fake review sites and putting themselves at #1. Then we looked at how…
Mambo has been dying a slow death since the split from Joomla. In fact, the last time I visited their site was when they were forking again! Its sad to see a once-great project in such a state. Several links…
Late last year, I blogged about a popular Joomla component that contained hidden advertising links. Since then more people have contacted us about other extensions that employ the same dirty trick.
A word of caution about the latest versions of Joomap. They contain hidden advertising with a link back to the developer’s site. Fortunately, there is an easy way to turn if off.
Why on earth is a major company such as WebProNews.com continually allowed to get away with email spam? They have a very sneaky way of making people think they’re unsubscribing, while in fact remaining on WebProNews’ mailing lists indefinitely.
Microsoft has announced that they’ll be suing open-source companies and bloggers for patent infringement—on 235 patents related to the term FUD. Microsoft has made its broadest challenge to date against free speech, claiming that FUD and related phrases violate Microsoft…
Those of you who know me realise I rarely, rarely get worked up ….. I think this is the first time I’ve used this blog to blow off steam. Its so rare, I’ve even had to create a whole new…