Comparison of All Joomla Affiliate Programs

We use quite a few Joomla affiliate programs and have had some great experiences. Through becoming affiliates for other people and through our own affiliate program, I’ve had the opportunity to talk with some great people in the Joomla world.

We tried all sorts of Joomla affiliate programs and have came to realise that some were much better than others. Some paid a higher percentage, some had a much lower threshold for payouts and some worked really hard to optimize their landing pages making conversions a much easier task.

Based on our experience, we decided to create a single list that allows for easy comparisons:

Currently we’ve 3 book, 5 extension and 11 template programs listed with the following data:

  • Percentage Paid (this can vary from 10% to 25%)
  • Average Commission (for template clubs this is the average of a 6 month and 1 year subscription)
  • Starting Deposit (the bonus you receive for signing up)
  • Minimum Payout (how you need in your account before the program pays you)
  • How many sales do you need to make to get paid? (minimun payout divided by average commission)

Theres also a link to pages where people can leave their feedback on each program. Currently we’re asking the following questions:

  • Are payouts sent regularly?
  • Does traffic sent to their site convert well into sales?
  • Do you have any tips and tricks for success with this program?

If you have a Joomla affiliate program that you’d like added to the list, or if you see any corrections that need to be made, please contact us.

We hope you find this useful and please feel free to post any ideas for improvements in the comments section below.

Click here to see the comparison of all Joomla affiliate programs.

Note: Why haven’t we included the Joomla SEO eBook in this list? Unfortunately we’ve been caught up in the collapse and we’re having to do a very laborious process to process all commissions. We suspended all signups until and IDevAffiliate can get things fixed.

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