Joomla Classes in the U.K.: London and Cambridge

London JoomlaIt is that time of the year again … I’m headed back the U.K. for a couple of weeks.

Mainly the trip will be family-orientated as I’ve sisters who are graduating, getting married and having babies. There’s a lot to catch up on!

However, it’s a rare vacation nowadays that doesn’t involve Joomla in some way. So we’re holding two Joomla training classes, one in Cambridge on June 25th and another in London on July 1st.

Both classes will be identical to the ones we run in the U.S. with the same materials, resources, price and even the same bad wisecracks. I may just have to edit the Powerpoints a little to replace somes “z”s with “s”s and find some Essex jokes to replace the Redneck ones.

More details about the classes below:

Who Should Attend

  • Individuals wanting to learn Joomla! best practices.
  • Business owners or employees responsible for their company’s website.
  • Webdesigners looking to expand their service offerings by providing Joomla sites for clients.
  • Individuals considering Joomla 1.5 for your next project.
  • Web Professionals looking to save time by learning from Joomla! experts.

Subjects Taught

You’ll learn how to build a Joomla website, from content and user organization, to working with extensions and templates:

  • Part 1: Introduction to Joomla including 1.0 and 1.5
  • Part 2: Site-wide settings and user management
  • Part 3: Setting up and organizing menus and navigation
  • Part 4: Managing content articles
  • Part 5: Working with Joomla components
  • Part 6: Using Joomla modules and plugins
  • Part 7: Choosing and configuring Joomla templates
  • Part 8: How to manage Joomla websites professionally and securely

Additional Items Provided

  • Lunch and coffee / snacks throughout the day
  • 6 months of free Joomla support after the class
  • A flash drive full of tutorials and best-of-breed Joomla components
  • Free membership to the SEO Club. ($99 value)
  • Free copy of the Bolt Template. ($60 value)
