I’m off to Vancouver tonight and I’ll be taking my wife, so in addition to going to JoomlaDay Canada, I’ll have a couple of days vacation. The new Vancouver.com is incredible and its really whetted my appetite for a day or two off in such a beautiful city.
Posting will be light so I thought I’d post a short round-up of whats going on:
Special Prize for Comment Posters
We’ve had 1,923 comments left on blog posts here at Alledia. Only 77 left to reach the magic 2000 mark.
As a big thank you, I’m offering a special prize. The person who makes that magic 2000th comment with get a free liftime membership to the Joomla SEO Club.
Alledia News
- Our webdesign porfolio is back online.
- The Joomla SEO class is on for the end of July in Atlanta.
- We’ve upgraded to Community Builder 1.2 … it really, really rocks.
Things I Don’t Understand
- Why do so many people put Adsense on their business sites? Rivals can go right ahead and buy those ads, stealing the customers. When was the last time Walmart hung a big banner for Target inside their stores?
More Weird Google Search Results
- After creating search result pages to index, Google is now indexing potential Fireboard replies, complete with a quote from a previous poster. Just click "Submit" and you’re done. This is a spammers delight. TURN OFF PUBLIC POSTING ON FIREBOARD!
Joomla Security
- Russ Winter from the Joomla forums has a great video and PDF on securing Joomla sites.
- Be thankful you don’t use WordPress more often.