The Alledia Blog Goes Daily

Joomla BLogIts January 1st, 2007 and we wish all our readers a great New Year. We also have some big news…

We’re delighted to announce that the Alledia Blog is going to updated daily, starting today!

That said, what changes will you see on the site? 

  • Monday to Friday, 52 weeks a year, you’ll find posts about Joomla, Drupal, SEO, CMS systems, Domain Names and more.
  • You can register with this site, add a profile, link to your own website and have your logo or photo beside any comments you post. We’re even kind enough not add "no-follow" to the links, so registering will give you a little SEO boost.
  • We’ll be having a series of guest bloggers during the year. Stay tuned for more details.
  • There’s now a live RSS feed on the right hand menu and in the browser bar to make subscribing as easy as possible.

Welcome, and we look forward to seeing more of you all in the weeks to come!