Review of Joomla! a Users Guide by Barrie North

Barrie North has been a prolific writer about Joomla over the last few years. This is a review of his latest book called “Joomla! a Users Guide” about how to run a Joomla 1.5 website.

Who is the Book for?

Joomla 1.5 site administrators. There are a couple of chapters on designing a template, but the bulk of the book is for people that want to learn how to manage and run their own Joomla websites. For professional Joomlers, its the kind of book you can provide to clients and save yourself some support emails.


  • Barrie’s writing style is easy-to-read and flows well.
  • Thoroughly illustrated. Especially in the early parts of the book, theres an illustration on every page.
  • The book is comprehensive – at over 420 pages, it clocks in at twice the size of some other Joomla guides.
  • There’s an accompanying support forum for follow-up questions.


Overall Impression

This book is a quantum leap forward over Barrie’s previous “Joomla! Admin Manual“. How do I know? His previous book had a lot of the same flaws as my SEO Book when it was first published. It was a collection of blog posts rounded out into a book, with a lot of the normal problems of self-publishing including typos and substandard organization.

Barrie has worked hard on making this new book much better and enlisting the help of a professional publishing company has clearly paid off. “Joomla! a Users Guide” is 50% longer and has replaced the bloggy-style with slick text and clear organization. Readers seem to think so too – its now the best rated Joomla! book on Amazon.

Further Reading