Chinese Names Being Taken Back by Registry

It’s rare that I post about things outside of the Joomla world, but I’m a domain-addict who lived in Asia for several years and those two interests came together in this story.

Apparently the Chinese government, through its proxies, is taking back domain names that have already been registered and paid for.

The China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) is responsible for Chinese .cn domain names. It is a private company but one with deep government links and its been responsible repossessing domains during the past month.

Some of the Repossessed Names

Information from

  • 法学院.cn  meaning: School of Law (
  • 旅游局  five names containing these characters. meaning: travel agency

Its also reported by members that the Chinese registry has been trying to get .net names from owners.

Combine this with their censorship of Skype (not to mention their stonewalling on Burma) and its not been a great week for people hoping that China would start to become a more positive influence in the run up to next year’s Olympics.

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