Joomla and Drupal – Which One is Right for You? Version 1

During the last few months, we’ve had a lot of clients who are have been after picking up on the buzz around CMS systems and Drupal and Joomla in particular. With the upcoming releases of Drupal 5.0 and Joomla 1.5, both systems are poised to make a big leap forward. However those launches may not happen for several months and many companies need to make a decision now, balancing the pros-and-cons of both solutions.

After talking and developing answers for several clients, we decided to put all we’d written into one document to help other people with this decision. Some disclaimers before we start:

  • This is not an Drupal vs Joomla discussion, but an open acknowledgement that each choice is appropriate for different sites. Sometimes we have to tell clients that neither will work for what they want.
  • This is not a comprehensive list. Please feel free to tell us what we’ve missed or where we are wrong. Add your own thoughts by post a comment.

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Further reading:

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