Joomla South East Fourth Meeting in Atlanta

Joomla South EastWednesday night should a lot of fun because its the fourth meeting of Joomla South East, one of a growing number of Joomla User Groups around the world.

We’re meeting from 7.00  to 9.00 pm at the 5 Seasons Brewing Company in Alpharetta. Their website is and you can get a link to the site here. We have a conference room reserved over the brewery. It has an overhead project, wireless internet, plenty of power sockets for laptops and great food and beer.

This meeting will be divided into two sections:

  1. The first 30 minutes will be for networking and organization. Bring your business cards and get ready to make new contacts.
  2. The second part of the night will be focused on Virtuemart. The talk will be lead by Brent from 3by400, but we enjoy the interactivity of meetings …. so please feel free to print out code and design ideas for Virtuemart and bring them along to share. We had some great ideas shared in this way during the last meeting and it would be wonderful to continue that participation.

A couple of people mentioned that they had problems finding the meeting last month, so if needed please feel free to contact us and I’ll email my cell-phone number.

Look forward to seeing you there!

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