How to Add a PayPal Donation Button

As the season of giving and good will toward others is upon us what better time to collect donations for your favorite charity, organization or cause. This week we’ll show you how to do just that by adding a PayPal Dontation button to your website to help you collect donations.

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Download the Easy Paypal Donation Module
  2. In the administration area of your Joomla site, go to Extensions >> Install / Uninstall and upload the file to install.
  3. In the administration area of your Joomla site, go to Extensions >> Module Manager and locate the Easy Paypal Donation Module and open the module.

Essential Options

The one essential option that you have to fill in is “Paypal Account”. Be sure to enter your Paypal email in that field. You can fix the donation level in “Donation Amount” or leave it blank for people to choose their own amount:

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Advanced Options

You also have more advanced features available. For example, you create a “Thank You” page and redirect people there after payment. Also, although the developer has done a great job with this module, you might not want a link back to his site. If you don’t, set “Show Footer” to Yes.

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