We’ve long talked about how important it is to use a Search Engine Friendly URL component with Joomla. The best ones don’t just create human-readable addresses but also help your site in many other areas of SEO.
Trouble is, the wealth of different components means that its easy to get confused. Which one should I use? Should I pay? Should I use a free component?
Hopefully, these two charts will provide a complete comparison guide for the main five SEF URL components.
- Chart 1: What features does the component have?
- Chart 2: What other extensions does the component work with?
Please note:
- all five are being actively developed and there may be some mistakes / omissions. Please post any that you find in the comments below
- Open SEF and Remosef are not included because they are not actively supported
- More features does not always equal better. For some people, simpler may well be better
- Performance can be an issue. Some components run more quickly than others, especially on large sites. However, because of the difficulty of providing a fair comparison, it is not included as a factor here.
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