Saying Goodbye to Georgia

gone-with-the-windNext week we leave Georgia after 10 years.

My first experience of Georgia was as a kid. My grandparents loved, loved, loved “Gone With the Wind”. They had it on 4 or 5 VHS tapes and watched it almost weekly. Every 40 minutes the movie would stop, they’d get up and put in the next tape.

10 years ago I arrived in Georgia, still not knowing much more about this place than Gone With the Wind.

When I arrived, I was a 24-year old teacher, unmarried and with a full head of thick black hair.

In those 10 years, I’ve been lucky to enjoy some wonderful family events:

  • Getting married
  • Having two kids
  • Having five nieces and nephews

Work wasn’t bad either:

  • Quitting my career as a teacher
  • Starting three businesses
  • Writing three books

People make fun of the state. I make fun of the state. But it’s a beautiful place with warm, practical people.

All in all, I can’t say enough about Georgia.

SARASOTABut, life goes on and next week we’re moving to Sarasota, Florida.

Why? My wife wants to be closer to her mom. And, as an Englishman, I didn’t see the sun until I was 18, so moving to Florida gives me the chance to catch up. Sarasota beaches regularly get voted the best in the U.S.

Thanks Georgia. Hey Florida.