Free Joomla Templates and Great CSS Advice

Its great to see people in the Joomla community taking the time and effort to build free sites that are genuninely useful resources. Today, I’ll highlight two of the very best: 

Back in the Mambo days, when I was first investigating Mambo there was one place go to in order to find quality, free templates – I spent many hours learning how to design for Mambo by downloading and tearing apart designs from that site. Since the move to Joomla, that site hasn’t been update very regularly and so its great so see a new site provide such a comprehensive resource.


One thing that often bugs me about free download sites is the sheer number of Adsense and affilitate banners, blocking easy navigation of the site and often crowded around the "download" button, in order to try and gain a few extra bucks a day. manages to advertise while making sure that the site is still easy on the eye and intuitive to navigate. They also claim to have 1300 templates available.

Until now, when people asked me how to learn and research the default CSS for Joomla, I’d pointed them over to Joomlart’s tutorial. In the future, I’ll be recommending which takes the Joomlart concept one step further and breaks down not just the CSS for content items but also all the core components, modules and mambots. Its an excellent site that must have taken quite a bit of work to get ready for launch.


One minor quibble – it would be nice if people launching new sites took the time to build a small "About Us" page. Nothing builds trust quite as quickly as being upfront about how you are.

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