New Metadata Patch for Joomla 1.5

SEF have updated their metadata patch for Joomla 1.5 Release Candidate 4. The patch is free to download by clicking here.

What Does the Patch Allow You To Do? 

Add Improved Metadata to Menu Items and Content Items

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You can gain control over page titles, the index/noindex tag, plus Google cache and snippet control

Have Improved Control Over Sitewide Metadata from the SEO tab in Global Configuration

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The tab has been greatly extended to include complete control over the default setting for the title tag, removal of the Joomla metatag, custom metadata fields plus Google cache and snippet control.

How does it work?

In a similar way to the current SEF Patch for Joomla 1.0. Everything is done through XML files. With 1.5 you can define custom fields into a separate XML file so that you can add your own metadata fields.


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