Category Business

In this section you can read Alledia blog posts about business issues.

Never be seen working on the weekend

I’ve always thought of myself as teacher. But, as OSTraining has grown in the last several years, I’ve found myself moving into the role of a manager rather than a teacher.  Still, the two roles have a lot in common.…

Any good CRMs or ERPs for Online Businesses?

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been trying to get a better handle on our business over at Since the launch early last years, things have been growing faster than my ability to analyze and understand it. It’s…

Why We Always Give Refunds

This might be the most expensive blog post I’ve ever written, but here goes … This week I was talking to a developer who sells open source products and their attitude was that they fight even single customer refund request..…

3 Reasons to Hire a Content Writer

Building an online reputation begins with your website. It is the first place people go to “check you out,” even if you have been highly recommended by clients or peers.  So, crafting an effective and powerful message in conjunction with…

Bigger than Drupal vs WordPress vs Joomla


Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day decisions. Not just resolving problems with a particular client, or a bug just won’t get fixed. Not even whether you should be focusing on Drupal, WordPress, Joomla or something else entirely.…

Thoughts From Two Weeks Away

Joomla BLog

In the last two weeks I’ve been in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Washington, New York and even Alaska. Just one more short trip to Charlotte and Nashville left. The trip taught me something. For two weeks I…