Come to CMS Expo to Get Ahead Of the Curve On Joomla

This is a guest blog post by by John Coonen from the CMS Association.

Silver Lining: Will Recession Sober People Up to the Value of Open Source?

Denver Joomla Expo Sure, it’s a morbid thought – nobody wants a recession – but it’s a reality.?

Many in the Open Source CMS world know that while Santa will surely be on a slim-fast diet when it comes to gift-giving this holiday season, the forecast for work in the Open Source CMS arena stands a chance of (dare one say) “glad tidings” in the coming months – or at least maintaining its market share.

Why Predict a Positive Outlook for the Open Source CMS World?

A number of reasons, boiling down to:

  1. Price
  2. Maturity of the OS market.

In other words, while we weren’t looking, the open source market has come of age. That’s why right now, it’s so important for individuals to invest in themselves and get excellent training now for Joomla! But we’ll come back to that in a moment.

Even before the economic collapse, many can attest to seeing peoples’ “awakening” experiences once they understood what was available to them in the OS world.? There’s nothing quite so satisfying as watching the effects of proprietary kool-aid wear off – especially for leaders in the enterprise realm. Board members, CEOs and Marketing Veeps are the best – their hands start to quiver, eyes dialating as they’re given a dog-and-pony on the software, its capabilities, its freedom from hefty consulting contracts and yes, the real topper: its pricetag.

Today, there’s little time for anyone to enjoy that “awakening.” Nope, the sobering up process needs to be a Cher-like slap to the face (“Snap out of it!”), and get to work, using this OS software as if its been around for decades.? The economy’s saying to us all, “Honeymoon’s over. Get folks trained in on Joomla – to the point of taking it for granted, and do it right now.”

Ahh, enter CMS Expo.

This winter’s CMS Expo is an ideal time to come get ahead of the curve on Joomla, and learn first-hand from experts around the globe on the ins and outs of Joomla and many of its extensions.? We recommend bringing friends, colleagues and clients too!? While nobody relishes the painful thought of a tough economic outlook in the coming years, the fact remains that those who are prepared for the future will lead the way.? Open Source is the future.

Investing in a two-day intense training program on Joomla could not be a better investment in your future. I invite you to come out to Denver to learn from experts in Admin, Business, Content and Development and realize that while many folks are certainly hurting this season, there is a silver lining, and a bright future ahead for those who choose to focus on providing professional services in the Open Source realm.

Details on the CMS Expo

  • Date: December 4th and 5th, (beginner session on December 3rd)
  • Location: Brown Palace Hotel and Convention Center in Denver, Colorado
  • More info:
  • Call: 1-815-455-2900 – If you call and mention, and get an instant $50 discount!
  • Contact: John or Linda Coonen, Co-Hosts of CMS Expo 2008
  • Hosted by: The CMS Association