Category Product Reviews

In this section you can read Alledia blog posts containing product reviews.

Review of RSSEO Suite by

joomla seo sef box

I must admit I knew nothing about RSSeo before starting this review despite having used other RSJoomla products before. After few minutes of using it, I realised it was very familiar: RSSeo is similar in many ways to iJoomla SEO…

Review of AceSEF from

AceSEF logo

A few weeks ago we covered the five most powerful extensions you can use to optimize your Joomla site. We had 80 comments on the article, but half-way through the discussion was hijacked by the developer of a new product:…

Joomla Goes CCKrazy

Apologies for the lack of blogging over the last few weeks, I’ve been wrapped up in something else since the beginning of September. Over the last couple of years, I’ve always tried to be honest with people and acknowledge that…

Review of Jomsocial


This is a sponsored review of the Jomsocial extension. For details of having your extension reviewed, please contact us. Note that a sponsored review doesn’t mean I’ll like the product, just that I’ll take the time to review it thoroughly.…

Joomla Installer Improvements

Installation Manager Joomla

Here’s a quick rundown of some ways in which Joomla and third-party developers are trying to make managing your Joomla site much easier: Automatic Updates for the Joomla 1.5 Core Joomla Magic Updater installs as a component and then allows…

Discussion of SEO for Fireboard Forums

Fireboard Forums

I hope this will be the first of a series of open discussions focusing on popular Joomla extensions. A very smart SEO Club member ( Suchmaschinenoptimierung Joomla ) helped me brainstorm a list of things to be aware of when…

Automatic Updates for Joomla


If you subscribe to the Joomla Extensions Directory RSS feed, you can see the future of Joomla pass before your eyes. Sure, there are a lot of "me-too" listings but at least once a week there’s something new and exciting.…