How Much Money Do Joomla Template Sellers Make?

Last year we made a post we made last year talking about how large some Joomla companies were in terms of staff. Is it possible to get any more precise details on how well some sites are doing? Yes, some sites do make data publicly available …

How Much Money Do Joomla Template Sellers Make?

You can get a very detailed rundown of one seller’s finances from this Sitepoint auction. break down their 2006 and 2007 finances, explaining that they make around U.S.$ 8000 per month. Although he makes it sound like good pay for relatively little work, don’t bet on it. The site has been around in one form or another for several years now (previously it was and and he’s designed around 100 templates. An awful lot of hard work seems to have paid off.

It’s also possible to get pretty accurate figures for as they make their subscription numbers publicly available. Set the Financial Disclosure Standard

One SEO company set the bar very high when it comes to being open about their finances:


Some people dismissed it as linkbait, but I prefer to see it as inspiring. Here’s a sample of how well they’ve done:

January 1, 2006:

  • Cash in the Bank: $3,500 
  • Full time Employees: 4

January 1, 2007:

  • Cash in the Bank: $64,000 
  • Full time Employees: 9

Would we do the same in the near future?

Quite possibly. At the beginning of 2007 we were a 100% client-facing company with all our income coming from private projects.

However, during the year we’ve slowly moved towards being a public-facing with a subscription model that accounts for around 50% of our income. If that trend continues in 2008, its very possible that I’ll do a detailed blog post about our business model, its advantages / disadvantages and how successful it is.