As popular as Joomla is, its surprising how many gaps remain to be filled when it comes to having an extension to cover the needs of most normal websites.
We’re still searching for a decent jobboard, advertisment management and customer support component among other things. Until recently, we also lacked a good portfolio component. A quick browse around the Joomla world show that most designers have just been putting their site showcases inside of content items.
NeoJoomla have neatly filled this gap with their NeoReferences. We use it here on Alledia for our porfolio, largely because it allows people to easily browse and visit all the sites in a particular category without having to hammer the back button. The component is simple, effective, stylish and free. A worth Extension of the Month for April!
They also have a free, updated version of Arthur Konze’s old AkoLegal, that is called NeoLegal,? a neat little RSS module called NeoWebTour, and a Dreamweaver template extension.