As a Brit living in the U.S. I really know what George Bernard Shaw was talking about when he said we are “two countries divided by a common language”. Some of the things Americans say really don’t make much sense and I’m sure lots of Yanks think the same about us.
Thankfully our Extension of the Month for April is here to solve all those problems.
The British-American English mambot automatically explains strange words in either dialect.
Examples of the Mambot in Action
For example, British people might be confused by a term like “ballpark figure”, assuming it refers to the body-shape of someone who ate all the pies. On the other hand, Americans could take a phrase like “luvvly-jubbly” and think its a bubble bath.
The mambot comes with a long list of phrases including gobsmacked, taking the piss in one direction and then boondocks and hoagie in the other.
We’re currently working on versions for South Africa, Canadian, Indian and New Zealand versions of English, but gave up on Australian … that dialect is just a dogs dinner. The mambot should be available shortly. Drop me a comment below if you’d like to test it or want to see any particular words included.