Free Copy of the Joomla SEO eBook Part 2

Joomla SEO eBookThis week is the second week of our special month-long competition here at Alledia.

Answer a simple question and you can win a free copy of our Joomla SEO eBook. This week’s first question:

"Recently I’ve seen people talk about the idea that search engines profile websites partly on the script they use.

  • WordPress = blogs, so they need to be updated regularly to rank well. 
  • OSCommerce = shopping carts, so may be short on text.
  • Joomla = …..

Do you think that search engines treat your site any differently simply because its built with Joomla?"

Please post your answers in the comments section below. The best answer will win a free copy of the Joomla SEO eBook.

The winner and answer will be announced on Wednesday morning US Eastern Time (GMT minus 5).