Tonight’s going to be a lot of fun because its the first meeting of Joomla South East, one of a growing number of Joomla User Groups around the world.
We’re meeting tonight (Wednesday, May 16th) from 7.30 to 9.30 pm at the Eclipse di Luna Restaurant ( For those of you that know Atlanta, we’ve tried to make the meeting as accessible as possible be hold the meeting close to the center of the city, where i85, i75 and i20 all meet.
This first meeting will be introductorty and organizational. We’ve arranged this first meeting in central Atlanta to make it as easy as possible for people from all over Georgia. We aim to think about a long-term meeting place (hopefully with conference facilities) and what we want to learn from/give to the group.
To find out more visit
For those of you with fingers in the Drupal pie, there’s also a Drupal Users Group in Atlanta. Their next meeting is this coming Tuesday, May 22nd. You can find out more about that group at
If you’re looking for a Joomla User Group closer to you, be sure to search in the Community section of the Joomla forums.