Joomla 1.5 is now two weeks old and more compatible components are being released every day. For those of you interested in SEO, I thought I might write a short post about the status of SEO components for 1.5:
SEF Components Available for 1.5
- Smart SEF. This solution for improving URLs on 1.5 was created by the team behind and one of OpenSEF’s former developers. They have a demo online and a Release Candidate available for download. I’m currently testing this and should have a review ready for later this week.
- SEF Patch. This is very similar to Joomlatwork’s high-quality patch for 1.0. It allows much greater control over Joomla metadata and is available for free downloading.
The Status of Other SEF URL Components
- sh404SEF. This is very clearly the best SEF URL component available for 1.0. Its nearest rivals are Artio and SEF Advance, but both are weaker products and cost $43 and $60 per site respectively. However, I don’t think Yannick has decided whether or not to rewrite sh404SEF for 1.5.
- SEF Advance. A version for 1.5 should be available in the next few days.
- Artio SEF. Due sometime in February.