Over the last week we’ve been working really hard on changes? here at Alledia, aiming to make the site better for SEO Club members and people who are just visiting.
Changes for SEO Club Subscribers
- New chapters of the SEO Book dealing with Joomfish, multilingual sites, international sites plus case Studies with real-life examples of improvements we’ve made to clients’ websites and the impact they’ve had.
- New checklists making it easy to ensure you’ve optimized your site for launch, for local search and when you’re upgrading.
- A really active and supportive forum helping you to get all your Joomla SEO questions answered.
- Redesigned the navigation for logged-in users to make browsing the site much easier. You won’t see any more adverts at all.
Changes for All Visitors
- A new SEO store making it easy to purchase SEO services.
- A new project submission form for sending details of potential custom work.
- Reviews of every Joomla book and every Joomla affiliate program.
- A rewritten “Introduction to Joomla SEO” that we’ll be expanding before the end of the year. For the first time we’ve made official recommendations in various categories.
- Longer lists of the “most recent comments” and “top posters” so that you can see whats happening on the blog.
Opening the Suggestion Box
We’d love to hear from you:
- Are there other improvements that would make this site more useful for you?
- Are there any Joomla or SEO topics you’d like to see covered on the blog?