Can I pat myself on the back? 18 months ago, I asked if Drupal or Joomla could produce a company like Red Hat.
It turns out that Drupal’s founder Dries Buytaert wants to do just that. At the beginning of this year, his company Acquia received $7 million in venture capital funding.
Where has that money gone? Over at Information Week, Acquia marketing VP explains:
- What’s the plan? Package Drupal, test it, do additional security reviews of it and deliver it.
- How do they make money? Subscriptions to the Acquia
Network. That provides tech support, network services — which includes
things like spam blocking, automatic updates, uptime monitoring, and
system tracking. They also provide a single maintenance dashboard to manage all of a company’s Drupal installations. - Do any big companies use it? by Adobe is the only one they gave away.
In a blog post later this week I’m going to talk about some companies that don’t quite have $7 million in their back pocket, but are trying to provide managed Joomla install packages