Last July, I turned 40. For some people that’s not a huge milestone, but for me it was. I felt stale and in need of fresh challenges.
So from last summer to this summer, I worked on making changes. Some things happened: I bought out my main business partner and made a significant move into WordPress. But, by-and-large, it was a year of slow negotiations, many discussions and lots of tire-kicking. I even sat for my first job interview in 15 years, before realizing that was the wrong direction.
Finally, everything wrapped up inside five days in August. In just one week, we signed three deals:
- Robbie Adair and Rod Martin joined OSTraining. They are two of our best teachers and will take the lead in running OSTraining.
- We invested in Watchful and I joined part-time as Director of Growth. Watchful is a site management SaaS for WordPress and Joomla. A few years ago, Watchful purchased a start-up from us.
- We sold, a WordPress plugin we’d been working on for 2.5 years.
If there’s one easy way to sum this up, it’s “software”. I’m having a lot of fun developing software projects these days and that’s where my focus will be for my early 40’s.