Google have just announced that the speed of your site will start directly affecting your profits. If you’re using Adwords, fast landing pages will lead to a better Quality Score. Slow sites may well end up paying more for their clicks. More from the Google Adwords blog:
Why are we doing this?
This is really confirmation of something we’ve known for a long time. Although theres a server full of information about you in Google headquarters, there’s only piece of data about your website that they consider important enough to put in their search results – the size of your website.
Further Reading
We’ve three introductory articles to help your increase your Joomla site speed: part 1, part 2 and part 3. There’s also a great article from Anthony Ferrara called How to Speed Up Joomla. Its well worth subscribing to his blog for his tips on Joomla performance and thought-provoking posts such as “Perfection And Joomla! 1.6” and even “SEO, a mis-guided cause?” … more about that later this week 🙂