The End of the Bloated Joomla Template Era?

Back in October 2008 we released Bolt which we marketed as “The World’s Fastest Joomla Template”. Several other template developers asked for copies to test against their own work, but the results were clear.

Nearly 10 months later, someone has come along and beaten that mark. We’re proud of course that a company with 12 full-time template designers feels the need to compete with 2 guys working in their spare-time. I kind of wonder what took these professional developers so long? 😉

Since we released Bolt a lot of other companies such as YooTheme have worked on making their heavy templates run faster.

Where Do We Go From Here?

When we’ve got time in the next few weeks, we’ll overhaul Bolt so that it reclaims its crown as the fastest template. Will we take on more challengers after that? Probably not. There’s a reductio ad absurdum aspect to going even faster. Obviously the literally fastest Joomla template in the world is about five lines of code calling up the component.

Bolt was an experiment of sorts for us. We were frustrated by the bloated nature of other templates out there so we built what wanted to use.Breeze Template

What’s next? Well, we’ve just released Breeze which is “The World’s Easiest Joomla Template”. That was another experiment of sorts, inspired by talking with so many students who were exasperated by the complexity of most modern templates. Rather than a 20-page PDF of instructions, this is how to set-up Breeze:

  1. Install Joomla
  2. Upload Breeze
  3. Upload your Logo via the Media Manager
  4. Relax and enjoy the new template!

If this sparks a rush for template developers to start making their designs much easier for beginners to use, we’d love that. At this rate, will we see Rockettheme release the “The World’s Easiest Joomla Template” in about June 2010?

Finally,? if you’ve any ideas for where we should go next with “The World’s _______ Joomla Template” theme, we’d love to hear them 🙂

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