Category Joomla Meetings

Joomla Day Las Vegas Recap

Joomla Day Las Vegas

I’ve just arrived back from a long series of Joomla training classes on the west coast that culminated in Joomla Day Las Vegas on Saturday. Before I start to wade through the 4000+ emails in my inbox, here are some…

Joomla Day Vegas Ups the Ante


OK – you’re probably sick of Vegas analogies by now. “Raising the stakes”, “going all in”, “upping the ante” … however you describe it, Joomla Day Las Vegas is starting to look really, really good. This is the current presenter…

Joomla! Day Las Vegas in April

Joomla Day Las Vegas

Last spring the North American Joomla Day was in Vancouver. This time its down in Las Vegas, Nevada. Joomla! Day Las Vegas is going to be an one-day conference of Joomla! experts presenting on Joomla! basics, design, development and advanced…

SEO Presentations from CMS Expo


Here are my three presentations from the CMS Expo. There was a flow to the presentations from basic to advanced so I’ve ordered them accordingly. For my and other people’s thoughts on the Denver Expo, please click here.

5 Thoughts from the CMS Expo


1) Organization Wow – outstanding. Both Expos have run like clockwork. If you think Open Source people are flakes, you haven’t seen an event organized by John, Linda and their team from Chicago. 2) Core + Commercial It was great…

Joomla Day Vancover Recap

JoomlaDay Attendees

Just got back from Joomla Day Vancouver at around 3 this morning, having enjoyed every minute of it.  With over 300 emails to answer and our monthly Atlanta Joomla meeting to organize for tonight, I hope you don’t mind if…

Joomla SEO Presentation from JoomlaExpo

Joomla Expo

This is my presentation on Joomla SEO from JoomlaExpo. Increasingly we’re going to be recommending two SEO solutions for both Joomla 1.0 and Joomla 1.5 … sh404SEF and the SEF Patch. I’m in the process of rewriting the SEO Book…