Joomla Sites

Aktuaya, FindWhere, Porsche and Other Great Joomla Designs

This is a guest blog post by Edward Rid from Don’t forget that the official Joomla showcase site is also available at

On our website we’ve been trying collect examples of sites that can be inspiring to Jooma designers. Below is a short roundup of Joomla sites that have been already submitted to us. These designs illustrate the power of Joomla.

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The Prodigy Start Fires With Joomla Joomla The Prodigy were the sound of England for much of the 1990s. For people of my age, growing up in the UK, only Oasis or perhaps Blur could claim to be as popular or as cool. My friends and I have a lot of good memories set to tunes like Firestarter, Voodoo People, No Good and Poison.

10 years later they’re still hanging around and their new site is built in Joomla. is a fairly straightforward but well-executed site that uses these extensions:

  • Jomsocial for the community
  • Jomcomment for the comments
  • RSGallery for the photos
  • Seyret for the videos

The template seems to be based on the JA-ZinC design from, but people can choose another design for the site via the “Skins” link in the top menu.

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NewOrleans.comWe uncovered some other large geo-sites using Joomla including and but I have a new favorite:

Back in 2006 the site was rebuilt in Joomla by a company called Silicon Chisel who gave a detailed rundown on the move. Not all of those pieces are still in place but the core of the site is still Joomla and I think its a very effective, professional set-up.

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Read Runs Joomla
British Telecom Joomla

British Telecom Rolling Out Joomla To Customers

British Telecom JoomlaWe had a student at our Cambridge class who put me on this trail of this … apparently British Telecom are rolling out Joomla for nearly all of their customers’ websites. With the exception of e-commerce,it seems to be their default system for building customer sites. For those of you not familiar with BT, it is far and away the biggest telecom company in the U.K.

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ivy league

America’s Top Universities Run on Joomla

ivy leagueThis is the outcome of various Twiter conversations over the last few days. I mentioned that the University of Washington ran Joomla on lots of sites and people started tweeting back about other top colleges using Joomla. So, with a hat tip to compassdesign, zuno, corywebb, joomladaylasvegas, mozami and more, here’s what I’ve found so far:

All Eight Ivy League Universities!

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Read MoreAmerica’s Top Universities Run on Joomla Logo Multi-Million Dollar Domain on Joomla LogoA great domain name is a beautiful thing and there’s a Joomla site running on one of the best …

What I particularly love about this is that the company ran the site for several years on Java. Late in 2006 they got an investment of over $1 million dollars to invest in the business … and they choose to rebuild the site with Joomla.

Geo-domains are highly popular and often emerging as rivals to the local city newspapers. Here at Alledia, we’ve got a Joomla website in the planning that will run on the .com of another very famous American location. Look for that launch later this year.

Read Multi-Million Dollar Domain on Joomla
Lincoln Center

Lincoln Center and NASA Both Run Joomla

Lincoln CenterLast week I was up in New York and Washington for Joomla training classes and was fortunate to meet a lot of great people using Joomla in high-profile and interesting ways.

In New York we had a student from the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. The Lincoln Center is a huge group of buildings in downtown New York that host a dozen of the city’s highest profile arts groups including the Metropolitan Opera, Juilliard School, New York City Ballet and New York City Opera. Their main website at runs Joomla.

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BP Uses Joomla for Energy Biosciences Institute

EBI-LogoThe EBI is a partnership between Britsh Petroleum (although it always goes by BP in the United States) plus a group of leading universities that includes the University of California, Berkeley; the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; and the University of Illinois.

It’s one the largest joint initiatives between a private corporation and a public university in history and has stirred some debate.

They’ve just got a new Joomla site at

The site was built by Isham and his team at Creative Mischief in Atlanta. They were also responsible for last year’s Burger King promotion using Joomla.

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TimesSquare.comGetting ready for New Years Eve? We’ve got the perfect Joomla site for you …

The site ranks #1 in Google for “Times Square” and is a 1.0 site using JomComment, SEF Advance and Tagbot among others. The site has information on a lot more than just New Years Eve, but they do have a whole section of the simply dedicated to that night.

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Burger King Joomla

Burger King’s Tasty Joomla Site

Burger King JoomlaAlright, I’m obssessed – I love seeing Joomla used for large mainstream sites.

Here’s a tasty Burger King promotion called It used the “Hot or Not” extension for people to vote on their favorite sneakers. The site was done for a 6 week-long competition and has not been taken offline.

Hat tip to Steven. See the full list of Joomla sites for major companies here. Feel free to e-mail with any sites you see to [email protected].

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