Logtivity and Easy Digital Downloads User Tracking

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Building Logtivity

We launched Logtivity in August: it’s a new activity log service that helps you understand exactly what’s happening on your WordPress site.

The first version of Logtivity had support for the WordPress core, so it recorded eventss like these:

  • WordPress Core Updated
  • Post Updated
  • Post Published
  • Attachment Uploaded
  • Theme Deleted
  • User Created
  • Profile Updated
  • Plugin Activated

The next big step is integration with Easy Digital Downloads. If you sell WordPress plugins or themes, there is a very good chance that you use the Software Licensing extension. It is a cornerstone of the WordPress economy.

Logtivity now has support for the Easy Digital Downloads core, plus the Recurring Payments and Software Licensing extensions. We use these plugins to power PublishPress.com.

Let me pull some real logs from PublishPress so you see what’s possible with Logtivity. You can see real customer journeys across your site.

The image below shows my own customer journey. First there is “Download Added to Cart”, then I joined the site as a new user. Next, you can see entries for my new customer profile, subscription and license key. Finally, you can see me download the software file.

For each item in this image, you can drill down and get more information. For example, I activated my license key and this next image is a preview of the information you’ll see in Logtivity:

  • Context: The name of my Subscription plan.
  • User ID: The WordPress ID of my user account.
  • Username and Profile Link: Information on which user activated the license.
  • IP: Where the user was located when activating the license key.
  • Date: When the license was activated.
  • License Key: The key given to me.
  • Customer ID: The ID number inside Easy Digital Downloads.
  • Site: A link to the website where the license key was added.
  • Activation Count: The number of times the license key has been activated.
  • Activation Limit: The number of times this license key is permitted to be activated.
  • Expiration Date: When the license key expires.

In addition to zooming down into the details, you can also use the “Reports” feature in Logtivity to zoom out and see the big picture. For example, in the next image, you see can see a chart showing the number of times one PublishPress product was downloaded each day.

You can also use the “Alerts” feature to get notified of Easy Digital Downloads events. In the image below, I have a Slack notification to let me know how often visitors are adding products to their cart.