Category Alledia News

In this section you can read the latest Alledia news and company updates from

We Sponsor a New Version of Ninjamonials

Ninjamonials Joomla 1.5

We’ve just sponsored Daniel and his team at Ninja Forge to create a new version of their Ninjamonials component for Joomla 1.5. Ninjamonials allows you to easily add customer testimonials to your Joomla site. Ryan over at JCE sponsored the…

Bolt Template Now Has No Conflict Guarantee


Our goal for you is simplicity. For this first time ever in the Joomla-world … we’re offering a 100% money-back guarantee if our template has script conflicts with any Joomla extension. I hope this doesn’t make us broke, but hopefully…

Selling Joomla Yellow Pages

Joomla Yellow Pages

We’re selling What is it? The biggest directory of Joomla developers. It has been online since August 2006 and has over 300 developers are listed. Rankings? They’re good. They’d better be as we’re an SEO company! The site is…

Training for Joomla in Tampa, Florida

Training for Joomla in Tampa, Florida

If you read the Alledia blog regularly you know we’re doing training for Joomla beginners across the eastern, southern and mid-USA. You can find a full list of classes on Each week, with about 2 months before the class,…

Training for Joomla in New York City

New York Joomla Training

If you read the Alledia blog regularly you know we’re doing training for Joomla beginners across the eastern, southern and mid-USA. You can find a full list of classes on Each week, with about 2 months before the class,…

Joomla Training Class in Washington

Joomla Training in Washington

A couple of weeks back, I announced that we’d be doing Joomla training classes across the United States from Tampa in the south, New York up north and St. Louis and Denver in the midwest. You can find the full…

Joomla Training Across the United States

Joomla Training

Almost a year ago now we launched the Joomla SEO Club. It was a completely new concept at the time and for the last 11 months, I’ve been focused on making it flourish. I believe we’ve succeeded. Almost no-one was…